§1 — General
These general terms and conditions (GTC) are part of all contracts with Blue Department GmbH (hereinafter referred to as Blue Department). Services are provided only in compliance with the following conditions. Blue Department provides services in the area of marketing websites on the Internet and other Internet services.
§2 — Conclusion of contract
The contract is concluded by filling out and signing one or more order forms for reference partners and customers. Blue Department is entitled to entrust subcontractors with the fulfilment of individual or all contractual obligations. The AG has the right to immediately notify Blue Department of significant changes in its environment (company, address, legal form, VAT ID, etc.). If these changes suggest that claims will be more difficult to enforce by Blue Department, Blue Department may demand an advance payment of the agreed fee. Blue Department will inform the client that subcontractors have been commissioned and is liable to the client for the proper provision of services by the subcontractors. The transfer of rights and obligations under a contract with Blue Department to a third party requires the prior written consent of Blue Department. In the event of a change of ownership or sale of the site to be optimized, the service is not transferable without the consent of Blue Department. In this case, Blue Department reserves the right to continue to charge the client the ongoing costs of optimization in accordance with the current contract. The information provided by the client about its existing IT system, intended hardware enhancements or functional aspects is not to be checked by Blue Department for accuracy. The AG alone is responsible for this information. The AG has agreed to the applicable terms and conditions and accepted them in full.
§3 — Prices
The current price lists or individual offer agreements apply. The prices are decisive when the order is placed. If the client withdraws from the contract, the work expenses already done must be paid. Employees and/or agents of Blue Department cannot make any agreements that differ from the service descriptions, tariffs and these terms and conditions, unless these deviations are limited by a special promotion or offer. The prices for the agreed services in accordance with the order form include one-time set-up fees and monthly follow-up costs.
§4 — Payments
Payment for the services is normally made by direct debit or bank transfer; in exceptional cases, Blue Department may approve a fixed-term bill payment. The invoice is due immediately upon receipt and will be collected by Blue Department. The monthly fees are charged at the beginning of each month. If the customer is in arrears with two monthly fees, the costs incurred for the entire contract period are due. Should the customer be in default of payment, Blue Department is entitled to charge interest and reminder fees in accordance with legal requirements. In the event of chargebacks or non-payment of the monthly budget, Blue Department reserves the right to pause all ads on the last working day of the last paid month at 18:00 until payment has been received. If the customer withdraws Blue Department's direct debit authorization without providing credit card information, the ads will no longer be displayed and the monthly fee will be charged. All payments are generally offset against the oldest debt, regardless of the customer's provisions to the contrary. Partial services may be invoiced separately. Payment is only considered to have been made when the claim amount has been credited to Blue Department. If the customer fails to meet its payment obligations, Blue Department is entitled to cancel or suspend the contract immediately, without further notice. If the customer is in arrears with payments due, Blue Department reserves the right not to provide further services until the outstanding amount has been settled.
§5 — Data
Blue Department reserves the right to check the customer's content and pages for possible violations of third-party rights or for compliance with the guidelines of search engine operators. In the event of violations of applicable law or the terms of use of search engine operators, Blue Department reserves the right to terminate cooperation with the customer without notice. Blue Department is not liable for any damage suffered by the customer as a result of publishing or using content on its website.
§6 — Data protection
Blue Department undertakes to keep all of the customer's personal data strictly confidential and to use them only as part of the execution of the contract. Blue Department only stores, changes or deletes the customer's personal data insofar as this is necessary to fulfill the contract. Personal data will only be transferred to third parties if this is necessary to fulfill the contract or if there is a legal obligation. The customer has the right to request information about the data stored about him at any time and, if necessary, to have it corrected or deleted.
§7 — Termination
Both the customer and Blue Department have the right to cancel the contract for good cause without notice. An important reason exists in particular if the contractual partner violates essential provisions of these terms and conditions or violates applicable law. The termination must be made in writing. Blue Department reserves the right to charge the customer for services already provided and payments made until the time of cancellation. In the event of an extraordinary termination by Blue Department, the customer is not entitled to a refund of fees already paid
§8 — Copyright
The AG is exclusively responsible for the content of its website. The copyright to all work created by Blue Department remains with Blue Department. If Blue Department registers a domain for the client in the name of the customer, the AG Blue Department hereby grants the right to transfer the domain to its own or a third name at any time in the event of termination by a party or in the event of late payment or to unsubscribe from the registration authority.
§9 — Fulfilment — Warranty
Blue Department provides services in the area of marketing websites on the Internet and Internet services for customers (AG). The inclusion of the domain to be registered in search engines cannot be guaranteed. Blue Department optimizes defined search terms and texts. The first placement will be visible around 6-8 weeks after optimization. Blue Department is not liable for failure to publish or delete the website by search engines. The AG is responsible for relevant data that is necessary for optimization.
§10 — Performance
All service agreements must be made in writing. In the event of delays in performance due to force majeure or operational disruptions which make timely performance difficult or impossible for Blue Department, both parties will be granted a withdrawal from the contract after 20 working days after the end of the appointment.
§11 — Warranty violation
The warranty period for services provided by Blue Department is six months. Complaints must be made immediately in writing and must always be meaningfully documented by the client, in particular by recording error messages displayed. The client must support Blue Department to the best of its ability in remedying any defects and to completely back up programs, data and data carriers before correcting an error. Blue Department is therefore not liable for data and program losses. If the defect cannot be remedied after repeated attempts and after setting a grace period of four weeks, the client is entitled to terminate the contract in writing with immediate effect; the client has no further claims for damages. Defects and defects caused by external influences (including unauthorized access via the Internet), operating errors, components or products of third parties, computer viruses — of any kind — or changes, additions, installations or extensions, repair attempts or other manipulations not carried out by Blue Department are generally excluded from the warranty. The AG is aware that, in accordance with their guidelines, most search engine providers are entitled to delete individual websites from their search offer at any time. Blue Department cannot accept any liability for such a procedure. The client assures that he only has his Internet address (es) registered or optimized or acts on behalf of third parties and with their consent. Should damage to third-party websites nevertheless occur, only the AG can ever be held responsible. In principle, Blue Department cannot be held responsible for any recourse payments and damages.
§12 — Place of Fulfilment and Jurisdiction
The place of fulfilment is Düsseldorf, Germany. German law applies and the place of jurisdiction is also in Düsseldorf, Germany, even if the customer's registered office is abroad.
§13 — Final provisions
Deviations from these terms and conditions are only effective if they have been agreed in writing. Legal successors of the Blue Department customer are bound by the obligations arising from contracts concluded on the basis of these terms and conditions. Should any provision of these terms and conditions be ineffective, the remaining provisions remain unaffected. The invalid provision must be replaced by a valid provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the ineffective provision.
§ 1 Scope
1.1 The following terms and conditions apply to all transactions and business activities of Blue Department GmbH. At the latest when the services are used for the first time and a contract is concluded between Blue Department GmbH and the customer as the contractual partner, these conditions are considered accepted, even in the future without further definition. The terms and conditions are considered agreed if they are not contradicted.
1.2 Offers, deliveries and services from Blue Department GmbH are made exclusively on the basis of these terms and conditions. Counter-confirmations from the customer with reference to his general business relationships are hereby rejected.
1.3 Deviations from these terms and conditions require the explicit and unambiguous written recording and consent of all parties involved.
1.4 Blue Department GmbH is entitled to change or supplement these general terms and conditions at any time with a reasonable period of notice. The customer can object to the amended conditions within two weeks of receipt of the change notification. If the customer does not object, the changes will take effect in accordance with the announcement. However, if the customer objects in due time, Blue Department GmbH is entitled to cancel the contract at the time when the amended conditions are to come into force.
§ 2 Placing and Accepting an Order
2.2 A contract between Blue Department GmbH and the customer is considered concluded when Blue Department GmbH has accepted the customer order by sending an order confirmation to the customer. The order confirmation can be sent by letter, fax, email or other electronic transmission methods.
§ 3 Offers
3.1 Our offers are subject to change and non-binding. We are bound to specially prepared offers for 30 calendar days. Technical and design deviations from descriptions and information in brochures, catalogues, websites and service descriptions are reserved as a result of technical progress, without any rights against Blue Department GmbH being derived from this.
3.2 In the case of service and development contracts, a written deadline and price commitment is only considered a non-binding indicative date or target price and not as a binding commitment, as unforeseeable schedule and price changes may occur by subcontractors.
§ 4 Individual software — web design
4.1 The scope of application/ intended use of the software package is to be developed by Blue Department GmbH in cooperation with the customer/user. The contract must be based on a detailed service description in written form, formulated from the user's point of view. The customer is obliged to participate in the creation of the individual software by Blue Department GmbH by providing the necessary information for the development of the target concept and providing the necessary data in good time.
§ 5 Scope of services
5.1 The scope of the services owed by Blue Department GmbH results from the offer in connection with the order confirmation and, if applicable, from the extensions fixed in writing. In the case of individual software/web design, the content and scope of services are derived from the specification, if available.
5.2 Binding delivery dates must be expressly agreed as such in writing and begin with the conclusion of the contract. If contract changes are agreed upon retrospectively, a new delivery date or a new delivery period must also be agreed if necessary.
5.3 If, for reasons beyond the control of Blue Department GmbH, a binding deadline is exceeded or the handover is delayed, the date will be postponed accordingly. Blue Department GmbH is not responsible, in particular, for delays in delivery due to strikes, lockouts, legal or official orders (e.g. import and export restrictions), failure to fulfill or poor performance of contracts concluded in good time with third parties, in particular suppliers from Blue Department GmbH or its sub-suppliers. If, for the above reasons, the original delivery date is exceeded by twelve weeks, both parties have the right to withdraw from the order.
5.4 Conversion and reduction by the customer are excluded, unless Blue Department GmbH is unable to remedy the defect.
5.5 Compliance with delivery and service obligations by Blue Department GmbH requires the timely and proper fulfilment of the client's obligations. If the client is in default of acceptance, Blue Department GmbH is entitled to claim compensation for the damage it has suffered.
§ 6 Copyright and rights of use
6.1 Every order placed on Blue Department GmbH with drafts in writing and images, final drawings or layouts as well as individual software/web design is subject to copyright law. The provisions of copyright law apply even if the amount of creation required under § 2 UrhG has not been reached. Software, designs in writing and images, final drawings and layouts, and related accompanying material are also protected by international copyright regulations. The basic provisions for copyrighted material apply to this.
6.2 All of the services mentioned above may not be changed in the original or during reproduction without the express consent of Blue Department GmbH. Any imitation — even of parts — is prohibited. A violation of this provision entitles Blue Department GmbH to demand a contractual penalty of twice the agreed remuneration.
6.3 Blue Department GmbH transfers to the client the rights of use required for the respective purpose, but not ownership rights. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, only the simple right of use is transferred in each case. A transfer of the rights of use to third parties requires a written agreement. The rights of use are only transferred after full payment of the invoice. Blue Department GmbH reserves the right to advertise with the customer as a reference and to provide the customer's website with a backlink (or alternative identification) to the Blue Department GmbH website.
6.4 Blue Department GmbH is not obliged to hand over files or layouts created on the computer to the client. If the client wishes to hand over the computer data, this requires a separate agreement and is to be paid separately. If Blue Department GmbH has provided the customer with computer data and the customer wishes to change this data, this is only permitted with written consent from Blue Department GmbH.
6.5 The customer only receives the unrestricted and exclusive right of use and disposal as well as distribution rights for the entire result of the work carried out by Blue Department GmbH if this has been expressly agreed in writing. The same applies to the transfer of source code.
§ 7 Liability
7.1 Blue Department GmbH undertakes to carry out any order with the greatest possible care, in particular to carefully handle templates, films, display layouts, etc. provided to it. It is only liable for damage caused by intent and gross negligence. Damage in excess of the material value is excluded.
7.2 Blue Department GmbH undertakes to carefully select and direct its vicarious agents. Furthermore, it is not liable for its vicarious agents.
7.3 Insofar as Blue Department GmbH commissions necessary third-party services, the respective contractors are not vicarious agents of Blue Department GmbH. In principle, it is only liable for its own fault and only for intent and gross negligence.
7.4 With the approval of drafts or final versions/drawings by the client or his authorized representative, they assume responsibility for the accuracy of the text and image.
7.5 Blue Department GmbH is not liable for drafts, texts, etc. approved by the client. Blue Department GmbH is also not liable for admissibility and registration requirements under competition and trademark law.
7.6 Complaints and complaints must be reported in writing within 14 days after delivery of the respective work. Thereafter, the work is considered to have been accepted free of defects.
§ 8 Remuneration — Due date and special benefits
8.1 Drafts and original material together, as well as with the granting of rights of use, form a uniform service.
8.2 The preparation of drafts and all other services provided by Blue Department GmbH for the client is subject to a fee. Additional agreements must be confirmed in writing by both contractual partners.
8.3 The remuneration is due upon delivery of the work and is payable without deduction. Other payment terms require separate agreement and must be documented in writing. If the entire work is manufactured and delivered in parts, a respective partial fee is due. If the complete work extends over a longer period of time or requires a not insignificant financial advance payment for Blue Department GmbH, appropriate advance payments, as usual in the industry, must be made when the order is placed 1/3 of the total remuneration, 1/3 after completion of 50% of the total performance and 1/3 after delivery of the work.
8.4 In the event of late payment, Blue Department GmbH is entitled to charge default interest of 5% above the respective discount rate of the Deutsche Bundesbank. The assertion of proven major damage remains unaffected.
8.5 Special services, such as the revision or alteration of final drawings, manuscripts and print monitoring that have already been made, are charged according to time spent. The hourly rate can be found in the current price list.
8.6 Insofar as contracts for external services are concluded in the name and for the account of Blue Department GmbH in individual cases, the client undertakes to indemnify Blue Department GmbH internally from all liabilities arising from the conclusion of the contract. In particular, this includes the assumption of costs.
§ 9 Correction, production monitoring and document samples
9.1 Corrections must be submitted to Blue Department GmbH before the reproduction is carried out.
9.2 Production monitoring by Blue Department GmbH is carried out only on the basis of
client. When taking over production monitoring, Blue Department GmbH is entitled to make the necessary decisions and provide appropriate instructions at its own discretion. It is only liable for errors in the event of its own fault and only for intent and gross negligence.
9.3 Of all reproduced works, the client shall provide Blue Department GmbH with 10 —
20 flawless copies free of charge. Blue Department GmbH is entitled to use these samples for self-promotion.
§ 10 Design freedom and templates
10.1 As part of the order, the client grants Blue Department GmbH freedom of design. Complaints regarding artistic design are excluded. If, at the request of the customer, changes are desired and made during or after production, he must bear the additional costs. The originally established claim for remuneration remains unaffected.
10.2 If the execution or completion of the order is delayed for reasons for which the client is responsible, Blue Department GmbH may demand a reasonable increase in the original amount of remuneration. In the event of intent or gross negligence, Blue Department GmbH may also claim compensation. The assertion of extensive damage caused by delay remains unaffected.
10.3 The client assures Blue Department GmbH that he is entitled to use all submitted templates. If, contrary to this insurance, the client is not entitled to use the templates, he will indemnify Blue Department GmbH from all claims for compensation from third parties.
§ 11 Applicable Law/Jurisdiction
11.1 Business relationships and all legal relationships between Blue Department GmbH and the customer/client are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Sales Convention. Insofar as the customer is a merchant within the meaning of the German Commercial Code, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, Viersen is the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship. However, Blue Department GmbH is entitled to sue the customer at any other place of jurisdiction. Viersen is also the place of fulfilment and transfer in accordance with the packaging regulations. Should individual or more provisions be or become ineffective or contain a regulatory loophole, the contracting parties commit themselves to enter into negotiations with the aim of replacing or supplementing the ineffective or incomplete provision with an appropriate individual agreement that largely meets the purpose of the intended provision. The validity of the remaining provisions remains unaffected.
§ 12 Miscellaneous
12.1 Transfers of the customer's rights and obligations arising from the contract concluded with us require our written consent in order to be effective.